Mount Rinjani Trekking Service



Mount Rinjani is Indonesia's third largest mountain after mountain in New Guinea and Java. Mount Rinjani on Lombok - West Nusa Tenggara - Indonesia, precisely in East Lombok, air-mother boxed Selong. This mountain discount 3,726 m elevation (above sea level) and is located at a latitude of 8º25 'LS and 116º28' BT, this mountain is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia because of its natural beauty.

This mountain is part of the Mount Rinjani National Park which has an area of ​​approximately 41,330 ha and will be proposed addition is to be 76,000 ha to the west and east. Crater Lake Segara Anak owned by Mount Barujari lakeside views from the summit of Mount Rinjani on the east side. Mount Rinjani with the highest point 3,726 m (above sea permukaa), dominates the view of the majority of the northern part of the island of Lombok.

On the west side there is a cone Rinjani caldera with an area of ​​approximately 3,500 m × 4.800 m. Extends towards the east. In this caldera are Segara Anak (ocean = ocean, lake) covering an area of ​​11 million square meters with a depth of 230 m. The water that flows from the lake to form a waterfall which has a very beautiful scenery. flows through the sharp and steep ravines.

Segara Anak in many common carp and tilapia that are often used for fishing. The southern part of the lake is called Segara Endut. On the east side of the caldera are New Mount (or Mount Barujari) which has a crater measuring 170m x 200m with a height of 2296-2376 m (above sea level). This small mountain Last active / erupted since May 2, 2009 and through May, after previously erupted anyway in 2004. If the eruption in 2004 no casualties, and the eruption in 2009 has claimed the lives of 31 people indirectly, for flash floods Kokok (River) Tanggek by the pressure of lava to Segara Anak. Previously, Mount Barujari ever recorded erupted in 1944 (and establishment), 1966, and 1994.

This mountain is part of the 'ring of fire' well-known and important role in the spiritual aspects of life of local communities. It is thought that the name Rinjani comes from an old Javanese term is 'God'.

Around the slopes of Mount Rinjani there are dense forests sprinkled with waterfalls and surrounded by the magnificent scenery it is no wonder many visitors from abroad and within the country. In the mountain region of the lake there is a crescent-shaped lake Segara Anak remarkable distance of about 6 km bersebrangan with terlebarnya point. This sulfur lake located 600 meters below the crater slope. From the middle of this lake rises a new volcano is Mount Baru which is a result of the eruption of a barrage in the 1990s.

Segara Anak is a spiritual place. The Balinese come here every year and hold a ceremony called pekelan where jewelry was placed in the lake as an offering to the mountain spirit. Sasak people Wetu telu also regard the lake as holy places and they come here to pray on full moon nights.
Mount Rinjani lies Mount Rinjani National Park. Garden with an area of ​​41,330 ha and included the transition zone Wallacea Line. This is where the tropical flora and fauna of Southeast Asia to meet with Australian flora and fauna. This National Park was established in 1997 and is one of 40 parks nasioanl in Indonesia.

For tourists, the Rinjani trek that lasted 3 days include trekking from Senaru to the slopes of the crater, a crater lake and then went down to Sembalun Lawang is regarded as one of the best surfing places in Southeast Asia. The true trekker usually pass on the way to the top of the volcano. These volcanoes can be reached from the Lawang Sembalun and spent four days ended in Senaru.

To ensure that local communities benefit from tourism revenue, the Rinjani Trek is managed by the National Parks official partnership is representative of the community and the public and private sector industries Lombok tourism. Coordination of cooperative society run exploration at the Rinjani Trek Center (RTC) in Senaru and Rinjani Information Center (RIC) in Sembalun Lawang.

Revenue from tourism and entrance is used for conservation, management, and help the National Park with maintenance of the Rinjani Trek, thus National Park can be maintained well. This management model is a unique management in Indonesia and considered an example of the practice of ecotourism in Indonesia.

Lake Segara Anak and stores various mysteries and supernatural powers, which is why people feel welcome to stay long in this place. This is where the community of supernatural beings called Jin settled in very much. Public confidence if the Lake Segara Anak widely seen indicates that the age of the people who saw it was still long. Conversely, if looked cramped then indicates the age of the visionaries short, for it must clean ourselves means to be spirited calm, hearten life, viewing the lake back it up.

Each year the ceremony was held in the lake by the villagers who were Hindu Bali or Sasak Muslim community. Balinese Hindu community twice a year to hold a religious ceremony at the lake. Sasak people can travel several times a year. There is a white crow waterfalls and hot water frequented by people for medicinal purposes.

The peak of Mount Rinjani Lombok believed by the public as the dwelling place of the queen jin, the ruler of Mount Rinjani named Dewi Anjani. From the peak to the southeast there is a sea of ​​dust caldera called Segara Muncar. At certain moments with the naked eye can be seen the palace of Queen Jin.

In ancient times not far from the harbor Sheet, there is a Lord of the kingdom ruled by a very wise king named Datu Tuan with his wife is very pretty Dewi Mas. Under the reign of King Datu Tuan, royal in a safe, peaceful, and serene. But despite this the King looked often sad, it is because he has not been blessed with a son, while King and Empress already growing old.

One day the king and queen sat chatting discuss family problems. His Majesty noted how difficult it later because it did not have children. Datu Speak, Lord, "Adina kanda want to convey the request, allow Kakanda take a wife again. Hopefully then we will have children who will someday replace the government ".
After the Empress approves, then Tuan Datu Baginda immediately propose a beautiful girl named Sunggar Tutul, daughter of the duke Aur.

Since then the King's attention to Dewi Mas reduced, he often stayed in the castle's new wife. The famous king of this fair have acted unfairly against the queen. Nevertheless Dewi Mas remains always patient, and by the grace of Almighty then Dewi Mas contain.
News about Dewi Mas containing this certainly surprised Sunggar spotted, he feared the King would turn away from him and back to the Empress Dewi Mas. For it with a cunning way Sunggar Tutul incited King, that pregnancy caused by acts Dewi Mas affair with a man named Lok deos.

Murkalah Tuan Datu Baginda, then Dewi Mas was expelled from the palace and thrown into a dyke. Accompanied by his entourage Dewi Mas stay in the dyke, they build a settlement. Dewi Mas remain steadfast in taking life into the next day. At one point Gone a ship approaching the dyke, as there is a supernatural power to direct the ship's master of the ship to the dyke, and from a distance he saw a beautiful woman who shines. The skipper and the crew anchored kapalpun and drop in to lodge Dewi Mas.

After the passengers were treated to the question of why Dewi Mas could stay in place, because during this time the dyke are uninhabited. Dewi Mas also told all the events that happened. Dewi Mas ask the skipper and the crew to drive her to the island of Bali. Finally Dewi Mas and their entourage stayed in Bali and build new settlements.
Kelahiranpun day arrived, Dewi Mas gave birth to twins, each accompanied by a miracle. A baby boy was born along with a keris, and another baby girl was born along with arrows. Baby boy named Raden Putra Nuna Janjak while a baby girl named Dewi Rinjani.

Both babies grow up to be children who are funny and interesting. But one day the children are asked who their father, as long as they teased their friends because they do not have a father. Due to the insistence of the two children continuously, the Dewi Mas also told all the stories that happened. She told him that their father is a king in Lombok named Datu Tuan, he discarded kesebuah dyke because slandered by Tutul Sunggar honey.

Nuna Raden Putra Janjak became very angry she begged her mother to be allowed to meet his father to Lombok. Because hold urged Dewi Mas was finally allowed his son with the accompaniment sail to Lombok.

Arriving in Lombok Raden Putra Nuna Janjak immediately entered the palace, but had been obstructed by the guards. Pertarunganpun inevitable, Nuna Raden Putra Janjak although still small but with a dagger in the hands that come together when he was born, it is very powerful and unmatched. Many opponents were helpless to Tuan Datu Baginda had to go down to compete. Serupun fight came to pass, they are thrust dagger. They are both equally strong, each keris can not hurt each other. Suddenly a voice came from the sky unseen "Hi Datu Sir, do not you are persecuting the child. The boy was alone on your wife's own son Dewi Mas ".

After hearing it, he is very sorry then hugged Raden Putra Janjak Nuna. After hearing the story of Raden Putra Janjak Nuna, then promptly picked Tuan Datu Baginda consort to Bali. The entire palace and resident Mr. rejoice, Dewi Mas no resentment at all to Sunggar Tutul, they all live in peace and security. Nuna Raden Putra Janjak grow up into a young man who was very handsome and thoughtful. Tuan Datu Baginda was getting old and eventually hand over the throne to his son.

After his son ascended the throne Tuan Datu Baginda then retreat in the mountains accompanied by his daughter Dewi Rinjani. At the top of the mountain that the king and his daughter meditating ascetic worships the Almighty. At the peak of this mountain goddess Rinjani appointed by the Jin and spirits to be a queen. And since that time a high mountain on the island of Lombok is called Gunung Rinjani.
